Blog Archive


Friday, December 3, 2010

Last Blog-Ideas

Unfortunately, I could not find any way to embed into the blog and this was the only way i found to distribute my blog post. Please follow the link:

Just double click on blog.exe and it should extract itself. Then open main.html in any web browser to view the blog.

Note click on 'explanation' to hear the commentary.

To open the html file right click (or control click for mac), choose "open with" and then select either Internet explorer, firefox, safari etc. Also note that flash player is required. get flash player

Sorry for the inconvenience  .


  1. Hey Anant,

    I can't figure out how to open your blog. When I go to main.html it doesn't work :/

  2. Anant,

    This is an awesome idea! Learning while sleeping can save us so much time. You described the current research and your own idea very well (I remember you lost to me in the mind controlled ball game :-P ). You mentioned something about creative ideas so I was curious if such a machine could actually make us think and analyze while we sleep or just simply put an idea into our head (This sounds like the movie ‘inception’ haha). I also like your idea of increasing processing power by connecting several brains.

    This was a very interesting and thought provoking post. The only problem was that the explanation and the video seemed a bit disconnected.

  3. Hey Anant,

    So I finally figured out how to work it ahaha, it wasn't extracting for some reason the first time. I think that's really a cool idea, I know I always seem to have ideas that I never seem to remember so well in the morning. I think it would be very interesting to have a machine being able analyze what we think. I side a bit with Shivam though, I think it might kinda be creepy too.

    I was a bit confused about the one where you had someone with magnets and then another moving forward, were they sleeping and still powering those things? Was that what you meant? I only got audio on the first slide, I wasnt sure if the others were supposed to have it to.

    I did like how you did the Dan Pink thing with the drawing it was cool but it was a little hard to understand completely without more explanation.

    Good Luck with finals!

  4. Good job!
    I love your idea!Though thinking machine seems to be impossible,but it's great you have basic ideas about how to organize it!
    Sleeping and studying is my dream!I just feel my time is always not enough!I need more study and less sleep.So your thinking wave idea will be so great!

    I know,it's sound like so fictional!
    In fact,in UIUC,there is a research about brain computer.I guess it's here,
    you can check out.

    So,my problem is,will it be super awarkward if we wearing a hat with wires everyehere?Do you have any idea about how to minimized it?

    And,good luck on all your finals!
